Wight Hot Pipes

Diverse and eclectic Wight Hot Pipes, all the way from the Isle of Wight(!), deliver a mix of musical genres which fuse in their melodic melting pot to create an exhilarating cocktail of flavours, spanning the entire spectrum from Celtic, all the way through to contemporary dance and gritty rock. All with a twist of bagpipes which appeals to the Steampunk world as being so much out of the ordinary it becomes surreal.

It’s the sheer genius twist of bagpipes within their instrumental line-up that kicks the roof out of every venue they play.   This, combined with the genius talent of lead singer Tori that give WHP absolute stand-out.

Thought you knew bagpipes – think again! Wight Hot Pipes just brought the pipes smashing into folk/rock music with and edgy attitude that ignites the room and whips up a whirlwind of energy and euphoria that can sweep you off your feet.

Event Time
